Hello My Friends!
I am going to be real with you: I am not a huge fan of Valentine’s Day – in fact the only time in my life I actually LIKED it was in elementary school when we crafted little mailboxes and gave everyone valentines! I miss those simple days!!!
With this, I have never really “dressed up” for Valentine’s Day, but instead wore more subtle looks around the holiday. Check out my favorite looks below and click the photos to shop via my Liketoknow.it! Here is the link to my account if you don’t already follow me: https://www.liketoknow.it/coffeewithmckenna!
1. Subtle and Sophisticated – this look is perfect for those of us who have to go to work on Valentine’s Day! It has subtle pink elements that aren’t over the top, but still noticeable!
2. Classic and Cool – anyone else feel 20x cooler with a leather jacket? I love this look for a date night because the outfit is solid on its own, but then add the leather jacket and it become more casual!
3. Bright and Airy – not only is this look super bright and fun, but it is COMFORTABLE! Why make yourself miserable to look cute??
4. Casual and Comfy – for those of us who refuse to go out to dinner on Valentine’s Day with the rest of the population! I would much prefer going for a walk or spend time together at home than making a big deal out of the night with everyone else in the city!
5. Sassy and Chic – wear that faux fur girl! Go all out! This vest is such an easy way to kick an average outfit up a notch!
What do you plan on wearing for Valentine’s Day? Comment below!!
Thanks for stopping by!